Friday, October 31, 2014

Flash! Friday–Vol 2 – 47: Frozen

Flash Friday -- Halloween Edition

Every Friday our challenge is to craft a 150-word story (10-word leeway) based on the photo prompt. We must also incorporate a specific word or topic.  This week's special element was "a monk." In honor of Halloween, here's the picture--and here's my post: 

Caution: Radiation Controlled Area. Creative Commons 2.0 photo by Oleg.

142 words

After a moment’s hesitation, I push open the cold metal door—and am assaulted.
Lights flash, illuminating the movements of the creatures circling before me.
Loud music envelops me, the beat resounding in my bones.
Heartbeat accelerating, I step into the chaos—and become one with it.
Assassin, Skeleton
Leopard, Goddess
Lashed by sound and color, I scan the gyrating mass swirling around me—and am lost.  
Ogre, Flapper
Witch, Monk
Sidestepping a whirling werewolf, I finally spot a familiar face—and begin to edge over.
Empress, Soldier
Vampire, Zombie
Exhilarated, I tap her on the shoulder. She turns—and freezes.
Fencer, Barmaid
Aphrodite, Slut
step forward, intending to jump into the vortex—but she doesn’t move.
Laughing, she looks at me, her face a mask of incredulity and derision.
Seriously? You came to the dance party as Elsa from Frozen?”

Friday, October 17, 2014

Flash! Friday–Vol 2 – 45: The King is Dead--Again

Every Friday our challenge is to craft a 150-word story (10-word leeway) based on the photo prompt. We must also incorporate a specific word or topic.  This week's special element was "a nemesis." We were strongly encouraged not to use the word "chess." No problem.  

My heart's often in Camelot, of course, but it's sometimes on the Enterprise with Jean-Luc Picard, so this week's Friday Flash Fiction challenge allowed me to visit both realms. The Merlin and the Moriarty-in-a-box concepts collide. Here's the picture, and here's my post: 

Georgian writers Ilia Chavchavadze and Ivane Machabeli playing chess, 1873 St Petersburg. Public domain photo
The King Is Dead—Again

160 words

“The king is dead, killed by the knight named Mordred.”

Merlin shrugged, but his heart whispered, I’m sorry, Arthur, for the thousandth time. “I challenge you, again.”

The wizard across the table regarded him with a kind, but exasperated expression. “The Fixed Points game gets its name because some points in time are just that—fixed. You need to move on.”


“This is why I’ve told the Time Council that allowing wizards to visit the game realm causes more harm than good.”

Merlin clenched his jaw. “It’s not just a game. You haven’t visited, so you wouldn’t understand.”
“This game you’ve been playing only affects one tiny part of the timeline between two fixed points. Every time you lose, a new timeline materializes without your precious Arthur. And yet you continue. Have you considered how many new, Arthur-less futures you’ve created?”

“But, eventually, he will survive. And I will play until he does.” Merlin gazed at the wizard. “Again.”

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Remembering John Denver

When I was young my parents often played John Denver's music. Even as a child, his words touched my heart. As a teenager, I might not have shouted my affection for his music to the rooftops--after all, it wasn't "cool" to like that type of music--but I never stopped loving it. I admired his ability to capture the wonders of nature, the power of emotions, and that special something else that, to this day, I can't identify. He had an awareness of, a connection to, the world around him. Somehow, he managed to communicate all of it through song.  

In memory of John Denver (1943-1997)

John Denver died October 12, 1997, in the crash of a small aircraft he'd built with his own hands. He died as he lived--sailing on the wind and appreciating the power and beauty of the world around him. His loss still saddens me, even 17 years later. I guess when someone touches your heart, they are destined to always be a part of you. 

Fly free forever, sweet soul....

by John Denver

Wind is the whisper of our mother the earth

Wind is the hand of our father the sky

Wind watches over our struggles and pleasures

The wind is the goddess who first learned to fly

Wind is the bearer of bad and good tidings

Weaver of darkness, bringer of dawn

Wind gives the rain, then builds us a rainbow

The wind is the singer who sang the first song

Wind is a twister of anger and warning

The wind brings the fragrance of freshly mown hay

The wind is a racer and wild stallion running

And the sweet taste of love on a slow summers day

The wind knows the songs of cities and canyons

Thunder of mountains, roar of the sea

Wind is the taker and giver of mornings

The wind is the symbol of all that is free

So, welcome the wind and the wisdom she offers

Follow her summons when she calls again

In your heart and your spirit, let the breezes surround you

Lift up your voice then and sing with the wind

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Flash! Friday–Vol 2 – 43: Dirty Money

October 3, 2014

Every Friday our challenge is to craft a 150-word story (10-word leeway) based on the photo prompt. We must also incorporate a specific word or topic.  This week's special element was "a politician." This week's photo prompt was:

Local fisherman, Yugoslavia. CC photo by GothPhil.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Flash! Friday–Vol 2 – 41: Optimism Rei(g)ned

September 19, 2014

I loved this Flash Friday! prompt. Very, very much. 
The Merlin wheels started turning in my head immediately. 
Every Friday our challenge is to craft a 150-word story (10-word leeway) based on the photo prompt. We must also incorporate a specific word or topic.  This week's special element was "include a marriage proposal." This week's photo prompt was:

Krak des Chevaliers/Qalat al-Hosn, Syria. CC photo by Jon Martin.

Flash! Friday–Vol 2 – 38: Major Tom

August 29, 2014

It's Flash Friday! I've recently jumped into the Flash Fiction universe. I've learned so much from reading other people's wonderful entries. Thanks to all of you!  

Every Friday our challenge is to craft a 150-word story (10-word leeway) based on the photo prompt. We must also incorporate a specific word or topic.  This week's special element was "include an alien." This week's photo prompt was:

Gemini V, August 29, 1965. Public domain photo courtesy of NASA.